Trucks are prohibited...but you are always welcome

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Update 6-17-14

We've just left the charming city of San Lucas Toliman, where an incredible coop called CCDA is located. It's stands for cooperativo campesinos del altiplanos (farmers coop of the highlands). They welcomed us with open arms and worked alongside us as we did work in carpentry, farming, and creating all natural compost and pesticides for their crops. It was a wonderful time of learning, growing, and laughing. We enjoyed evenings discussing food responsibility and watched a documentary called King Korn. I definitely want to shop and eat more responsibly as I can see the impact of my choices in the States directly on the people I'm working with here. I've been conscious about what I put in my body, but now I am moving past "what" and into the realm of "from where". 
I've begun to feel extremely convicted about my consumerist ways and have been thinking about all the things I want to change when I go home. I can't change my whole country but I can change my own habits. 
My health and heart are both good, I've been reading "glittering vices" in early morning spare time when the roosters give their 6am wake up call. It's been following the theme of the trip so closely it can't be mere coincidence. I read about vain glory and felt the need to be still and listen rather than talk, both to God and my group members. It spurred many a good conversation. I read about sloth and realized the pull in my heart to respond to the call of love, and to action. I am now reading about avarice and feel the weight of my need to consume, and to accumulate. I trust in my money and possessions rather than God, and find myself instead possessed by them. I have built myself an ikea cage, a fortress that halts the hand of giving. His mighty hand has been gentle, showing me the corners of my heart that still need His attentive touch. Please pray for me, that I open them and let his Work be done in me. We're leaving this afternoon for Santa Anita where we'll be constructing a pulping machine for a coffee farm there. I'm excited! Be well, friends.

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