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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Madrid, dia once

The second week of English camp is half over, and I find myself divided. One half of me is exhausted, worn out, and homesick. The other half has become infatuated with Spain, my family here, and my girls at camp. My two loves, pulling me in opposite directions of a vast, blue ocean. I spent the day with Celia in Madrid yesterday, we watched some amazing contemporary dance street performers and did a little shopping. I wish I had the time and money to see a show here, Madrid is an amazing center for theater. My one qualm about living in the midwest is the lack of culture. But as lovely as it is here, it will be nice to be in a place where I can understand everything that is said to me. The voices of the people around me are often white noise, with gestures I recognize but words I don't. Well, friends it is time for my afternoon nap. Adios, my loves.

1 comment:

  1. When I was young and visited South Korea, I was so enamored by the lack of understanding, the reliance on facial expressions and whatnot to understand what was being said.

    That being said, returning home should be pleasant for you.

    Talk soon,
